Engaging Classes

Classes that are highly engaging is one of NLA’s promises to our families. We believe that classes should invite learners to engage with the material in a way that makes sense to them, whether that is through thoughtful reflection, conversation, interactive technology, or another way. Engagement for our educators is not about putting anyone in the hot seat, including themselves, or forceful participation, because we do not all learn the same and not all learning moments require the same. 

So, what is it?

Well, let’s begin with a quick definition:

Those few words say it all, favorable attention or interest. An engaging class is about awakening our learner’s inherent curiosity, and giving them the tools and opportunity to interact with it. 

Sometimes in the education world this is mistaken for entertainment. However, there is a significant difference between both. Now, don’t get us wrong, we are in the age of what is now known as ‘edutainment’. 

Young learners can watch numbers dance, and science experts do ‘magic’ tricks, and these are fantastic. Yet, these do not fill children’s natural inquisitiveness as they delve deeper into something that caught their attention. 

For us, it is especially important to encourage and maintain this natural inclination, as learners get older, because of the immense educational benefits engagement and curiosity have on learning. Many studies, like this one, have made the connection between both and the results are fantastic. 

Sometimes engaging means challenging. Sometimes engaging means stepping out of our comfort. But sometimes, it means pondering, and playing, and reading, and…you fill in the blank, because like we mentioned, not all learning moments require the same set of actions. 

Engaging classes, then, mean not just the presenting of information but also an invitation to explore, to become involved, and to allow one’s curiosity to take the driver seat. This is our hope for each one of our students, that they will become part of our community and feel safe to engage in their own learning.

Until next time,

Northern Lights Academy Team